Psychological testing is designed to answer particular questions about an individual. A parent may want to know how best to help their child with school. A school or teacher might want a second opinion on the presence or absence of a specific learning disability. A client may want to uncover the reasons why he or she continues to act in ways that are troublesome. A therapist might want to know the severity of their client’s depression or help in clarifying a diagnosis.
The type and length of testing can range from a single assessment measure to multiple tests, extending over two or more evaluative sessions. The end result of psychological testing is a formal report that describes the questions being evaluated, the results of the testing measures, and recommendations based on our findings. After the report has been completed, a formal feedback session is provided and results are reviewed with the client in a clear and supportive manner.
Psychological Testing Services
Personality (objective/subjective)
ADHD Evaluations
Academic functioning
Learning Disabilities
Common Questions and Concerns Addressed
Attention-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder
Learning problems in all subjects
Expressive and receptive language deficits
Academic underachievement
Eligibility for public school services (accommodations/IEP, 504)
Eligibility for public school gifted programs
Eligibility for learning support services in college
College readiness
Application/admission for independent schools
Decline and/or deficits in memory/cognitive function
Fine motor skill development
Visual-spatial concerns
Social skills and communication disabilities
Emotional distress
Athletic performance concerns
Vocational performance problems
To get more information, determine the appropriateness of services, and/or to schedule an assessment, contact Dr. Noble at (267) 563-8185.